Thursday, August 8, 2024

There's 75 New Original Dave Hum Backing Tracks Available On His Website

GOOD NEWS! There are now 12 different backing track albums available for purchase from Dave Hum's wife on his website (a total of 115 backing Tracks). I have purchased all of the tracks and cherish each of them. I cannot recommend enough getting Dave's backing tracks if you play the banjo (or other Bluegrass and folk instruments).

As you all know, I've been doing my best to recreate some of Dave's backing tracks and sharing them for free, because I love the man and his music, as a tribute to him. But my tracks pale in comparison to Dave's. He was a master of percussive timing and a truly seasoned musician. I am just a When I play along with Dave's backing tracks, I feel like I'm vicariously performing through Dave, which I think is pretty cool. The driving percussion and overall timbre that Dave was able to achieve in creating his backing tracks, in my humble opinion, really enhances his banjo playing. Put another way, Dave's backing tracks motivate me to want to play my banjo every day.

Like a kid who collects baseball cards, I collect backing tracks; and I'm sure you've noticed along with me that there's a lot of poor quality tracks available online. Most of the backing tracks I've run across are cluttered with other instruments, and are annoying at best. Dave's tracks are simple, focusing primarily on bass, drums and some simple padding (piano, guitar strum, et cetera). Dave's tracks are unique and one of a kind in my humble opinion, and worth twice what is being charged for them. Having said all that, I encourage you to buy some of Dave's backing tracks, and if you can afford it over time, all of them.

The going price right now to pay someone to make you a backing track is $150. So, for about $12 each, these are a super deal! It takes me at least a few hours to make one backing track. More elaborate tracks require several hours. So, can appreciate the hard work that Dave invested into making his. I dare say that to make 219 tracks, he spent over 1,000 hours! Each of Dave's videos on YouTube is a banjo course in itself. By using the “settings” option at the bottom of each video, you can slow down (or speed up) the video by whatever percentage you want. At 25% I can figure out just about anything that Dave is doing. To me, having his backing tracks to play along with are an invaluable blessing from God!

The money goes to help Dave's family. They lost their home to the greedy bank after Dave passed away in 2012. Losing the husband and father in a home is about as difficult a situation that life can throw at a family. So, I encourage you to help them out, and get some great backing tracks at the same time, which the Hum family will appreciate greatly. God bless!

Dave Hum
(photos from his old website)

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5 String Banjo Instruction [1967] - Earl Scruggs

5 String Banjo Instruction Album [1967] - Earl Scruggs