Friday, November 15, 2024

A New Backing Track For 'Devil's Dream'

Dave Hum recorded a beautiful hybrid of two different songs: 'Devil's Dream and Blackberry Blossom.' Although I love playing both songs together, sometimes I just enjoy playing Devil's Dream by itself. So, I have made a backing track just for Devil's Dream. I made backing tracks in the keys of both A and G for your preference.
  1. Devil's Dream (key of A, faster)
  2. Devil's Dream (key of A, normal)
  3. Devil's Dream (key of A, slower)
  4. Devil's Dream (key of A, slow)
  5. Devil's Dream (key of A, woodshed)
  6. Devil's Dream (key of G, faster)
  7. Devil's Dream (key of G, normal)
  8. Devil's Dream (key of G, slower)
  9. Devil's Dream (key of G, slow)
  10. Devil's Dream (key of G, woodshed)
  11. Devil's Dream - Picken' Lessons Video (how to play the tune)
I used a MIDI bass. I'm strumming along with my Cort acoustic guitar. I enjoy playing this song. There are a few different ways to play the song. I encourage you to try out different tabs in the Banjo Hangout.

Dave Hum (1966-2012)

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5 String Banjo Instruction [1967] - Earl Scruggs

5 String Banjo Instruction Album [1967] - Earl Scruggs