Friday, February 21, 2025

A New Backing Track For “Flop Eared Mule”

This is another one of my favorite songs to play on the 5-string banjo, titled: “Flop Eared Mule.” It's a fiddle tune from the United States, popular with dances. I used Dave Hum's YouTube recording as a template for my backing track. Dave recorded the song in the key of A, standard tuning. You'll need to capo the 2nd fret, and the 7th fret on the fifth string. I have also made backing tracks in the key of G for your preference. Enjoy!
I used MIDI for the piano, bass and drums. I used a real audio loop for the shakers and cymbals. I have difficulty playing this song at normal speed. I usually play along with the slow speed track. Once I've spent 30 minutes or so refamiliarizing myself with the song (and warming up my fingers), then I can move to the slower track. The chorus is a bit tricky, jumping quickly to the 4th fret of the 1st string with your left hand, but it gets easier with practice. You're hitting the 5th string in between notes, so that gives you time to move your hand quickly to the 4th fret of the 1st string. You'll see what I mean when you try to play the chorus.

As far as the improvisations that Dave Hum does in the song, wow, I love what he played! He does some great exteneded melodic runs. It's not difficult to play once you've played through it several times slowly. I recommend that you slow the YouTube video down to 25% speed and then follow it note by note to learn the song. I really enjoy playing this song.

Dave Hum (1966-2012)

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5 String Banjo Instruction [1967] - Earl Scruggs

5 String Banjo Instruction Album [1967] - Earl Scruggs